Growth starts with No


Picture the scene: you’re on your company annual strategy awayday (in person or virtual). You are reviewing the new business performance for the year and realise you tendered for far too many new clients, resulting in a poor conversion rate, overstretched teams and potentially, a poor reputation in the market. You unanimously agree to do less new tenders next year and to be more focused.

Fast forward to the end of the first quarter and you’re involved in umpteen new business pitches and everyone’s working evenings, weekends and during holidays just to keep up.

Why does this happen?

It’s fundamentally a fear of saying the word ‘No’. It’s a really, really difficult thing to do, in any area of life, but especially in business. Much easier to say Yes and try and sort it out later. If you’re a parent, you’ll recognise this completely.

Whilst I can’t help your relationship with your kids, I can help with your business. You can learn to say No if you have a formal business growth strategy in place. One that has established clarity regarding your targets, your capabilities and your talent. One that gives you the confidence to assess each opportunity on its merits and make the right decision for the business.       

Red Road Consultancy has been set up to advise businesses on achieving growth through developing a clear strategy, providing training and delivering first class competitive tenders. Please contact me directly or visit

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