The dolphin, the owl and the hare

I’ve been asked a lot recently about the difference between consulting, mentoring and coaching. There are lots of definitions and opinions available, and as someone who has experience in all 3, here’s my perspective.

Consulting is about providing knowledgeable advice in an area in which you have expertise and experience in order to help businesses and people solve problems and achieve growth. Consultants are like dolphins – smart, efficient and lovers of fish.

Mentoring is about providing guidance and support to encourage someone to grow as a person and to maximise their potential. Mentors are like owls – they have an ability to see things from an all round perspective, are wise and fluffy.

Coaching is about building confidence and trust to help someone gain clarity in order to improve understanding, behaviour and development. Coaches are like hares – they use their ears to maximum effect, can work fast or slow and like the outdoors.

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