Past performance is no guarantee etc…
Like all good business development gurus, I want to ensure I’m learning from my marketing efforts, So, I decided to review my blog posts from this year and take some learnings into next year. Subjectively, I divided the blogs into those primarily about Business and those primarily about Life.
So far, I’ve posted 28 blogs this year, and assuming 45 minutes average to write and edit each one, that’s 21 hours of my time, so almost 3 working days.
Typically, I receive about 1,350 views per post. The lowest had 400 and the highest (a Life post) had several thousand. I’m guessing I used to interact with fewer than 1,350 people per week, so feel that this a reasonable number.
On average I receive 27 responses per post, which is a 2.0% conversion rate. Life posts receive a 50% higher response rate than Business ones.
One of my posts achieved 0 responses, but I’m presuming the internet was broken that week.
I’ve definitely gained at least one client directly from these posts and all other prospects and clients have checked me out on the platform at some point. I’ve also had one direct approach for an NED role.
Overall, it feels like it’s been worthwhile and, in addition, I find the writing enjoyable and cathartic. So, I’ll be thinking of 28 more things to write next year.
Please try and contain yourselves.
Have a good one.