Career transformation

One of the coaching areas I specialise in is Career Transformation. It is something that I have experience of myself, so can add the perspective first-hand experience to a coaching conversation (when relevant). 

Because of my network, I also tend to coach people who have a fair amount of work experience so, the opportunity for career transformation comes up a lot. Indeed, it can be the specific reason they wish to work with me in the first place.

Back in the day, when footballers didn’t earn the phenomenal amounts that they do today, it was nor uncommon for an ex-pro to become a pub landlord once their career had finished. Presumably the connection between being a landlord and spending many years in close-knit teams provided a natural link.

Today’s wealthy superstars don’t tend to have to worry about such things. So I was intrigued to see on a recent visit to Cologne, that ex-Germany football international, Lukas Poldoski, has opened a chain of doner kebab shops. Lukas played for Arsenal for 3 seasons and became a fan favourite for his blistering shooting ability, so I recognised his picture straight away.

It did make me wonder if he is so hands on in the business that he actually works the occasional shift behind the counter, carving lamb and heating up pitta bread. NB: if you think the UK has a lot of kebab shops, we do not even come close to a typical German city main street which never seems to have less than five in close proximity to eachother. It’s a highly competitive business, so presumably the chance to be served your lamb shish by a guy who played over 100 times for Germany, would give you the edge.

Many people are put off by the thought of major career change and, it’s definitely not for everyone. That’s why coaching is so valuable. I have several case studies to show it can work – including myself and Lukas.


Career crossroads


Great customer service